By Holly Smith on Tuesday, 06 November 2018
Category: ASAP Apartment News

Apartments and criminal background

When it comes to renting an apartment with felonies or misdemeanors on your background it can get a little frustrating. It's hard to know where to start. Apartments don't always advertise when they are willing to consider some of those issues. The majority of properties do not accept someone with a felony charge. There are some that will though, if you know where to look. We know where to look. With misdemeanors it is much easier of course but there are still properties out there that will deny even a misdemeanor charge. No matter what kind of charge it is there will always be a time limit on how old it will have to be and some places go from time of completion with parole or probation not actual date of charge. The specific charge also matters. For example I know of a property that will accept a dwi but not a theft charge. There are quite a few properties out there that will tell you that they just have to run your application in order to see if they will approve you.  So when there is a criminal background it really saves time, stress and money (on app fees) if you have someone that knows where to send you based on what you need.