By Holly Smith on Friday, 16 November 2018
Category: ASAP Apartment News

Giving notice before you move from your apartment

 Apartment communities require a written notice before you are technically allowed to move. Even if your lease is up you must let management know in writing that you are moving. The standard amount of time to give notice is 30 or 60 days depending on the property. This, of course, is stated in the fine print of your lease agreement. The problem is that sometimes people don't thoroughly read the lease and if this is their first apartment and they are not familiar with how things work they might miss this very important step. If you do not give a written notice at the required time you are in violation of your lease contract and it is considered a broken lease. It will be reflected on your credit report as such and when you go try to lease another apartment it will give you problems. As an apartment locating service we do hear people tell us that their lease was up so they moved, they had no idea that they had to do anything else including give any kind of notice. Hence this blog post. Make sure you read the fine print of your lease agreement and always do things correctly in order to avoid any kind of problems upon moving.