By Holly Smith on Monday, 12 November 2018
Category: ASAP Apartment News

Tips for preparing your apartment before you go on vacation

 1. If possible, get an apartment sitter. It may not always be possible of course but if you can get someone to stay at your apartment while you are gone then this is the best option. If not try to get someone to go over and check things out every few days and maybe stay at least one night here and there. If you do have someone that can do that have them check the mail while they are there.

2. Deal with the mail. If there won't be anyone going over to check the mail then get with the post office and let them know the days you are gone so they can stop the mail  for you on those days.

3. Adjust the thermostat. If it is summer you can turn the air conditioner off but if it is winter you will want to set the heater somewhere around 50 degrees in order to keep the pipes from freezing while you are away.

4. Unplug small appliances and electrical devices.

5.Leave emergency contact info and the info where you will be staying with the leasing office.

6. Make sure smoke detectors are working properly and that their batteries are fresh.

7. Take out all trash and throw away any food that might start to go bad.

8. Notify your credit card company that you will be away.